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FR0011341205 NANO

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    26.04.24 / 17:35:18

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NANOBIOTIX : Un essai pour pleins de types de Cancer en immuno

17 mars 2024 16:19

NBTXR3 activé par radiothérapie pour les patients atteints d'un cancer avancé traités par un traitement anti-PD-1

Une étude sur la radiothérapie Immunothérapie Microsatellite Instabilité Métastases de la tumeur maligne du foie Cancer de la tête et du cou Carcinome des cellules squameuses Carcinome à cellules squades Métastases de la tumeur maligne du col de l'utérus Cancer du rein Carcinome des cellules rénales Cancer de la peau/mélanome Cancer du sein Cancer du sein Triple-négatif Cancer du poumon non à petites cellules Néoplasmes Cancer du foie Cancer du col de la vessie Cancer de la vessie Urinaire

4 réponses

  • 17 mars 2024 16:22

  • 17 mars 2024 16:28

    The 1100 study aims to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of NBTXR3 activated by radiotherapy in combination with an anti-PD-1 therapy in three cohorts of patients in dose escalation and expansion parts. The Escalation Cohort 1 includes patients with LRR or R/M HNSCC with the injectable lesion in a previously irradiated field. In Escalation Cohorts 2 and 3, patients present with lung or liver metastases from any primary cancer eligible for anti-PD-1 therapy.

    The Expansion cohort 1 includes patients with LRR or R/M HNSCC with the injectable lesion located either in head and neck area or in lung or liver, who are resistant to anti-PD-1 therapy. The Expansion cohort 2 includes patients with LRR or R/M HNSCC with the injectable lesion located either in head and neck area or in lung or liver, who are naive to anti-PD-1 therapy.

    The Expansion Cohort 3 includes patients with inoperable NSCLC, malignant melanoma, HCC, RCC, urothelial cancer, cervical cancer or TNBC with metastases to lungs, liver or soft tissue and who are resistant to anti-PD-1 therapy.

    These patients have a high unmet need and the Sponsor hypothesizes that NBTXR3 activated by radiotherapy will act synergistically with anti-PD-1 to enhance the therapeutic index of radiotherapy maximizing local effect, to overcome radio-resistance, to increase the local efficacy of immunotherapy, and to improve distant tumor control via an abscopal effect. Eligible patients will receive a single intratumoral injection of NBTXR3 subsequently activated by radiotherapy and then an approved anti-PD-1. The end of treatment visit will take place 4 weeks after the last radiotherapy fraction. Patients will be followed for long-term safety and efficacy for 2 years after the EOT visit.

  • 17 mars 2024 16:30

    L’essai déjà 5 ans ! En 5 ans ils ont déjà vu beaucoup de choses ! 

  • 19 mars 2024 18:48

    145 patients , durée de letude : 10 ans. 
    No comment. .

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