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NICOX : Elargissement de phase 2 en phase 3 > | page 2

26 janv. 2008 16:09

Il est possible d'étendre une phase 2 en phase 3 , à condition de travailler en étroite collaboration avec la FDA ;-)
Alors quid du composé Pfizer ?

exemple ;

"Working closely with the FDA has allowed us to expand the TNFerade study into a Phase II/III trial for U.S. product registration. Expanding the Phase II study in this manner will allow us to continue to enroll patients at current clinical sites, avoid the potential delays associated with starting a new trial and facilitate international registration and partnering efforts by including medical centers from outside the United States," said Paul Fischer, Ph.D., GenVec's president and CEO.


41 réponses

  • 29 janvier 2008 10:10

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