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SOGECLAIR: turnover for the 3rd quarter 2023
information fournie par Boursorama CP 31/10/2023 à 17:50

Accelerated growth in 3rd quarter: turnover +10.1% at €35.3M
Turnover over the first 9 months as of September 30th 2023: +8.3% at €107.8M
At constants exchange rate and perimeter*: +8.8%

SOGECLAIR, supplier of innovative solutions with high added value for a safer and less-consuming mobility announces today its turnover over the first 9 months ended 30 September 2023.

* The change variations over the period represent €-0.5M against € 2.7M in 2022.

Published turnover confirm sustained growth thanks to a diversified offering, geography and market segments.
With a 3rd quarter at +10.1%, this is the tenth consecutive increase in quarterly turnover on a like-for-like basis.
Over the first 9 months of the year, commercial aviation (market +5%) and defense (market +5%) were the most dynamic, both at +20%, rail (market +3%) and business aviation (market +5%) grew by +15.2% and +5% respectively, while automotive (market +1.7%), down slightly by 4%, stabilized in the 3rd quarter at +1%.

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