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GAUSSIN signe un contrat avec le port russe Bronka pour la fourniture de véhicules électriques autonomes
information fournie par Boursorama 10/12/2019 à 17:45

Gaussin has signed an agreement with the Russian Port of Bronka for the supply of driverless electric vehicles

Gaussin (EURONEXT GROWTH - FR0010342329) has just announced the signing of an agreement with the Port of Bronka in Russia for the supply of AIV FULL ELEC 70-tonne driverless electric vehicles.

This ultra-modern port inaugurated in 2015 is located on the Baltic coast, 40 km away from Saint Petersburg, and has an annual freight capacity of 25 tonnes.

Thanks to 70-tonne AIV FULL ELEC vehicles from Gaussin, the Port of Bronka aims to make the handling of its container flows more efficient, at the same time addressing the requirements of sustainable development by opting for a fully electric solution.

The agreement, the financial terms of which have not been disclosed, was signed at the Franco-Russian Economic, Financial, Industrial and Trade Council (CEFIC) held in Moscow on 10 December 2019 in the presence of the French Minister for the Economy and Finance Mr Bruno Le Maire and his Russian counterpart Mr Maksim Oreshkin.

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