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Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels welcome French company Global Bioenergies as new member
information fournie par Boursorama 11/07/2017 à 18:28

Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels welcome French company Global Bioenergies as new member: “Significant increase in interest in advanced biofuels evident as the discussions on future EU policy are soon entering decision-making time”

Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels coalition welcomes French company Global Bioenergies as new member of the coalition promoting advanced biofuels as fast track solution to cut transport emissions.
Global Bioenergies develops innovative processes converting a broad variety of renewable feedstocks into advanced biofuels and bio-materials to secure supply and limit global warming.
LSB is a coalition of leading advanced biofuels producers and technology developers committed to making a significant contribution to meeting the EU ambitions of decarbonizing the transport sector. Advanced biofuels bring multiple benefits in terms of CO2 reduction, investments, revenues for farmers and forestry, improvements in waste management, and an increase in energy security.

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2.00 EUR Euronext Paris +1.01%

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