Newburyport (MA, USA) – AdvancedDx Biological Laboratories USA Inc., an affiliate of ABL Diagnostics (FR001400AHX6 – ABLD, the “Company”), a Euronext-listed company that develops molecular biology assays and software for microbiology laboratories, is pleased to announce today the execution of a co-marketing agreement to co-promote in the USA Next Generation Sequencing (“NGS”) solutions combining AdvancedDx Biological Laboratories USA Inc ’ DeepChek® assays and software with Complete Genomics ‘ DNBSEQ ™ genetic sequencing platforms to all microbiology laboratories in the USA.
Having the possibility to offer NGS-based end-to-end solutions will help microbiology laboratories to get equipped with robust and innovative assays, sequencing systems and downstream analysis software available for many applications including but not restricted to HIV, viral hepatitis (HBV/HCV/HDV), respiratory viruses (Influenza, SARS-CoV-2, RSV…), CMV, HSV, BKV, Tuberculosis.
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