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Transgene and Randox Sign Collaboration to Develop Innovative Multifunctional Oncolytic Virotherapies for Solid Tumors
information fournie par Boursorama 02/10/2017 à 17:45

Novel Oncolytic Virotherapies will be developed by Transgene, based on its next generation Invir.IOTM Platform and expressing Randox’ Single-domain Antibodies (SdAb)

Strasbourg (France) and Belfast (Northern Ireland), October 2, 2017, 5:45 p.m. CET - Transgene (Euronext Paris: TNG), a biotech company that designs and develops viral-based immunotherapies, and Randox, a global leader in in vitro diagnostics, have entered into a collaboration to combine their technologies and develop multifunctional oncolytic immunotherapies. Innovative oncolytic viruses (OVs) resulting from this collaboration will use Transgene’s proprietary next generation viral platform Invir.IOTM in which one or more of Randox’s SdAbs (single-domain antibodies) will be vectorized. The immunotherapies resulting from this collaboration will combine the oncolytic effect of the viruses with the properties of the vectorized SdAbs that will be locally expressed in the tumor microenvironment (TME) with the aim of treating immunosuppressed solid tumors.


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