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INNOVEOX : INNOVEOX is attending European Large and Midcap Event 7 - 8 october 2015 in Paris
information fournie par Actusnews 30/09/2015 à 18:00

Paris, September 30th 2015
INNOVEOX (Alternext, FR0011066885 – ALIOX), specialist provider of solutions for the definitive treatment and recovery of toxic industrial waste, will take part in the upcoming MidCap Event to be held from 7-8 October in Paris. Located in Palais Brongniart, this exhibition is dedicated to meetings between listed companies on Euronext markets and institutionnal investors.

Jean-Christophe Lépine, Innoveox chairman and Luc Hautemanière, Innoveox finance manager, will meet during this event institutionnal investors, as part of individual or small groups interviews. They will come back to the company's new successes and evoke Innoveox's strategy and development prospects.

About Innoveox
Innoveox develops industry-specific turnkey technological solutions for the treatment, recovery and reuse of toxic waste (oils, solvents, pesticides) using Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) for positive energy production. It is the worldwide owner of this patented technology developed by France's National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). In 2012, Innoveox signed a technological and commercial structured partnership with Air Liquide. Its industrial waste unit with a treatment capacity of 1,000 tons/year is in operation at the Arthez de Bearn site. Innoveox signed 3 services contract for a period of five years on Reunion Island, New Caledonia and France. Innoveox signed also an exclusive partnership in China. The company is listed on Alternext (IPO of €15.56 million in April 2014).

Innoveox won the “IPO of the Year” Award at the annual Unitec technopole forum.


INNOVEOX ACTUS finance & communication
Jean-Christophe Lépine
Tel. +33 1 40 06 07 06
Anne-Pauline Petureaux
Investor Relations
Tel. +33 1 53 67 36 72
Jean-Michel Marmillon
Press Relations
Tel. +33 1 53 67 07 80

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2.04 EUR Euronext Paris 0.00%

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