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HYDROGEN REFUELING SOLUTIONS (HRS) : HRS joins the new Euronext Tech Leaders segment
information fournie par Actusnews 08/06/2022 à 07:30

HRS joins the new Euronext Tech Leaders segment

Grenoble, June 8, 2022 - HRS, a leading European designer and manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations , is pleased to announce that it has been selected by Euronext to be included in the Euronext Tech Leaders segment, dedicated to high-growth and leading Tech companies.

Launched today, Euronext Tech Leaders segment is composed of 100+ high-growth European companies, among the leaders of their market, with a minimum capitalization of 300 M€. This segment completes Euronext's existing Tech offer and aims to enhance the attractiveness of the European Tech sector and be a catalyst for the next generation of Tech leaders.

As a Euronext Tech Leader, HRS will benefit from the suite of services developed by Euronext and its partners to support participants along their listing journey, notably through the Euronext Tech Leaders index, which will be launched shortly.

More information on the dedicated page on the Euronext website .

Hassen Rachedi, Founder Chairman and CEO of HRS states: « We are delighted to be included in this new segment, which will give HRS greater visibility to international investors and boost liquidity in the stock. »


Founded in 2004, Hydrogen-Refueling-Solutions ( HRS ), formerly TSM, is pioneer in hydrogen mobility. European designer and manufacturer of hydrogen refueling stations, for over ten years, the Company has been committed to reducing transport emissions.

Thanks to its unique experience and know-how, HRS has developed a complete range of hydrogen refueling stations for all types of fuel cell vehicles that is perfectly suited to the needs of a fast-growing European market. At its Champ-sur-Drac site, HRS has mass production capacities that enable it to assemble up to 60 units per year in record time, in as little as 8 weeks. A new 14,300m 2 production unit, planned for the fall of 2022, in the Grenoble metropolitan area in Champagnier (Isère), will increase HRS 's production capacity to 180 stations per year.

The Company posted 2020/2021 revenue of €10.5 million. As of December 31, 2021, the company had 79 employees. (ISIN code: FR0014001PM5 - ticker symbol: ALHRS).


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4,26 EUR Euronext Paris -2,29%

1 commentaire

  • 14 juin 09:51

    Je ne sais pas quels sont les critères d'Euronext pour participer à cet indice en dehors des sociétés qui perdent le plus en bourse sur un an et qui sont susceptibles de faire faillite avant moins d'un an pour les remplacer dans l'indice, Si HRS était un leader, il ne perdrait pas plus de 30 % sur un an mais au contraire gagnerait 30%!!!

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