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GROUPE GORGE : 3D Printing: Groupe Gorgé markets its first resin
information fournie par Actusnews 06/11/2014 à 08:00

At the end of October, Prodways provided a customer with its first resin fully developed and produced online.

With the installation of a machine sold for biomedical applications, Prodways also supplied a first batch of resin fully designed, developed and produced in-house. This resin will be assessed in order to be qualified for the manufacturing of biomedical products which are likely to require several hundreds of kilograms of resin per year for production purposes, for this first machine only.

The material supplied is the first to be marketed in the range of proprietary resins developed in-house and will represent the core material offered by the group. The Prodways materials strategy is half-open to materials from third parties, which must be approved by Prodways, thereby enabling the group's customers to enjoy the best solutions available on the market.

Accordingly, Prodways will continue to give customers access to resins developed by other partners and the group will continue to sell resins used by competitor machines, which still accounts for the largest share of current revenue in terms of the sale of materials.

The French customer - the first user of the group's proprietary resins - ordered three machines in 2014. Two of them were announced in previous press releases.

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Groupe Gorgé - Raphaël GORGÉ - CEO - Tél. : +33 1 44 77 94 77 - E-mail :
Actus Finance - Anne-Pauline PETUREAUX - Analysts/Investors Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 35 74 - E-mail :
Actus Finance – Jean-Michel MARMILLON – Press Relations - Tél. : +33 1 53 67 07 80 - E-mail :

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