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Custom Solutions - Acceleration of the digital transformation - Press Release - EN - 04.11.2015
information fournie par Boursorama 12/11/2015 à 10:31

CUSTOM SOLUTIONS (ISIN: FR0010889386 - Ticker: ALSOL) major player in France of digital and data marketing solutions, outlines its digital strategy, especially after the last two stakes in the companies Bilendi and highten in July and September 2015.

Equity investments in the capital of Bilendi in July 2015 (28.25 %), and that of highten on September 30 (40%), demonstrate the digital acceleration made by the Custom Solutions Group since 2013 and the launch of its RIO 2016 project.
The company reiterates that it has sold its logistics activities a year ago to accelerate its refocusing and its human and financial resources in marketing and digital, while acquiring the digital agency “Lojaali” in the Nordic countries in 2014.
Since then, the company launched a reorganization plan to adjust its resources on traditional activities which are experiencing a decline since 2012, and accelerate its investments in digital platforms oriented Big Data. These investments, which will continue to weigh on the margins, aim to make of Custom Solutions a major stakeholder in the collection, analysis and exploitation of data collected for advertisers.

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Euronext Paris -3.01%

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