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ABL Diagnostics continues its surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants and prepares for any resurgence of COVID-19 outbreaks
information fournie par Boursorama CP 21/08/2024 à 08:00

Woippy (France) – ABL Diagnostics (FR001400AHX6 – ABLD, the “Company”), a Euronext-listed company that develops molecular biology assays and software for microbiology laboratories today announced its DeepChek® offer for SARS-CoV-2 Assays & Software, able to identify, to distinguish and to monitor circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, indicative of COVID-19 infection and related epidemics, has never been stopped since its launch in 2020.

Today, COVID-19 virus continues to evolve and new variants and mutations like KP.1, KP.2, KP.3 and their sub-lineages keep emerging and now account for most infections in the USA as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) surveillance program in August.

ABL Diagnostics enhanced its efforts recently to be able the monitoring of specific SARS-CoV-2 variants of interest and to be prepared for any resurgence of a new COVID-19 epidemics and limits its impacts.

The percentage of people reporting positive tests has reached its highest point since January 2023 with dramatic increase of hospitalizations due to COVID-19 which raises the risk of new epidemics. ABL Diagnostics tightly scrutinizes the evolution of this viral dynamic and keeps updating its panel of DeepChek® SARS-CoV-2 Next Generation Sequencing (“NGS”) assays with latest sets of primers. ABL Diagnostics also keeps updating its DeepChek® SARS-CoV-2 software to classify all known strains within minutes.

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