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Transgene’s Combined General Meeting of May 5, 2023
information fournie par Boursorama CP 05/05/2023 à 17:45

Strasbourg, France, May 5, 2023, 05:45 p.m. CEST – The Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting of Transgene’s shareholders was held today (May 5, 2023) at 9:00 a.m. at the Company’s headquarters (400 boulevard Gonthier d’Andernach – Parc d’Innovation – 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France).

The meeting was chaired by Alessandro Riva, Chairman, to approve the Company’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, and to vote on the other resolutions submitted for approval.

The replay of the Combined General Meeting is available via Transgene’s website and here.

The Combined General Meeting adopted all resolutions recommended by the Board of Directors, including the versions of resolutions 9, 10 and 11 amended in session.


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