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Mithra participe à la conférence sur les défis environnementaux des produits pharmaceutiques au Parlement européen à Bruxelles
information fournie par Boursorama CP 08/11/2022 à 17:50

Liege, Belgium, 8 November 2022 – 17:45 CET – Mithra (Euronext Brussels: MITRA), a company dedicated to Women’s Health, today took part in the panel discussion “The direct effects of pharmaceuticals on wildlife, knowledge and policy gaps & solutions to support research and innovation to achieve the Zero Pollution Ambition” held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The minutes and conclusions of this conference will be available on the company's website in the upcoming days.
With over 100,000 tons of pharmaceutical products consumed globally every year (24% in Europe) and despite current wastewater filtration systems, pharmaceutical residues are found in the environment, in particular in water and soil, with a negative impact on wildlife, such as fish, birds, frogs and insects, and knock-on effects on wider ecosystems. Various recent studies have shown that some pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, painkillers or cancer treatments, even at very low concentrations, have direct effects on wildlife. For example, fish exposed to low concentrations of certain antidepressants have been found to change their behaviour in ways that could affect their survival. Oral contraceptives based on natural or synthetic estrogens cause feminisation of fish and amphibians, and residues of psychiatric drugs alter fish behaviour.

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