The total number of voting rights as of 30 November 2014. Major shareholding notification.

information fournie par Boursorama 28/11/2014 à 17:46


ORCO PROPERTY GROUP – The total number of voting rights as of 30 November 2014. Major shareholding notification.

Luxembourg, 28 November 2014

ORCO PROPERTY GROUP (the “Company”) announces in relation to its capital increase of 10 November 2014 the total number of shares and voting rights as of 30 November 2014:
Issued share capital of the Company:
EUR 31,450,762.90
Total number of shares composing the share capital of the Company:
Total number of voting rights attached to the shares composing the share capital of the Company:
314,507,629 voting rights
The Company further informs that it has been notified about major shareholding notification in relation to its capital increase of 10 November 2014 by Mr. Jean-Francois Ott for and on behalf of entities that he beneficially owns and controls OTT&Co S.A., OTT Properties S.A., JOHO Compagnie, Roxannia Enterpises Company Limited and Stationway Properties Limited. As of 10 November 2014 their shareholding in the Company decreased below 5% as a consequence of the shares issue of the Company.

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