OPG - 2014 - Financial Statements Part 3

information fournie par Boursorama 01/04/2015 à 01:22

FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2014 Including Consolidated financial statements And
Report of the Réviseur d Entreprises for the year ended as at 31 December
2014ORCO PROPERTY GROUP, société anonyme (the 8220;Company8221;) and its
subsidiaries (together the 8220;Group8221; or 8220;OPG8221;) is a real estate
group with a major portfolio in Central and Eastern Europe. It is principally
involved in the development of properties for its own portfolio or intended to
be sold in the ordinary course of business and is also active in leasing
investment properties under operating leases as well as in asset management.
The Company is a joint stock company incorporated for an unlimited term and
registered in Luxembourg. The address of its registered office is 40, rue de
la Vallée, L-2661 Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The Company8217;s
shares are listed on the regulated markets of NYSE EuroNext Paris and the
Warsaw Stock Exchange.