VOGO’s « Entreprise innovante » (1) label renewed by Bpifrance

information fournie par Boursorama CP 25/01/2022 à 17:45

VOGO’s « Entreprise innovante » (1) label
renewed by Bpifrance
VOGO (ISIN code: FR0011532225 - Ticker: ALVGO) announces that its
“Entreprise Innovante” (1) label has been renewed by Bpifrance for another three
years, making it eligible for investment by innovation-focused investment funds
(FCPI). These funds promote venture capital funding for innovative small and
medium-sized companies. VOGO has held this label since 2018.
This label is granted to companies recognized for their innovative and economic
development perspectives, after a detailed examination during which the company gives
an in-depth explanation of its products, procedures and techniques creation.