SOGECLAIR: 2019 turnover

information fournie par Boursorama CP 05/02/2020 à 17:35

Growth up by +16.0% at €M185
At constant exchange rate and perimeter*: +11.9%

SOGECLAIR is designer and manufacturer of innovative high added-value solutions for the aerospace and transport sectors.
The turnover for 2019 increases by 16.0% (11.9% at constant exchange rate and perimeter).
*The turnover at constant perimeter is deducted from the share produced by companies acquired on August 1st 2018 over the period from January 01st to July 31st 2019, representing €M3.8. The impact on the turnover related to exchange rate fluctuations represents €M 2.8.

After a 8.2% growth in 2018, the year 2019 accelerates to +16%.

Aerospace division (79.9% of turnover) at +9.7% benefits from the exchange rate for €2.8 million and was driven particularly by products in Europe, in Canada and in the United States.

Simulation division (18.9% of turnover) jumps by 60.7%. At constant exchange rate and perimeter, the progression comes to +43.2%. To note the good performance in turnover of the activities linked to the vehicle simulation and SYDAC, subsidiary acquired in August 2018.

Vehicle division (1.2% of turnover) decreases by 25.4%. Restated from the intragroup (for the simulation division), the annual turnover slightly grows.