CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES : CBI announces upcoming launch of Football at AlphaVerse mobile application with Artificial Intelligence integration

information fournie par Actusnews 13/11/2023 à 08:00

CBI announces upcoming launch of Football at AlphaVerse mobile application with Artificial Intelligence integration

  • The mobile application is designed to cover football worldwide, combining news, live matches, public and private discussion forums and community building;
  • This mobile application complements the main Football at AlphaVerse application, with a single access account;
  • Technical submission to distribution platforms will take place by the end of the year, for launch as soon as the necessary approvals have been obtained.

Paris, France - November 13, 2023 at 8:00 CET - CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES (CBI), a company listed on Euronext Growth Paris under the symbol FR0014007LW0 - ALCBI, announces the upcoming launch of its "Football at AlphaVerse" mobile application on mobile platforms. The mobile application, which will cover soccer worldwide, is designed to offer a range of features combining news, live matches, public and private discussion forums and community building.

This "Football at AlphaVerse" application will enable virtual world users and soccer fans to enrich their user experience. It will initially run in 8 different languages.

This application will offer a range of functions:

  • Creation of a single account with Football at AlphaVerse and synchronization of user profiles;
  • Content and news selection based on user preferences (favorite teams, language);
  • Follow live matches ;
  • Public discussion forums, where you can discuss the most popular topics of the day.
  • Private discussion groups , similar to chat applications.
  • Importance given to community building.

Artificial intelligence will be used to search for articles, prevent and control content, automatically generate keywords and suggest communities based on users' interests.

This application represents a new stage in the development of the AlphaVerse universe.

The first technical submission to distribution platforms will take place by the end of 2023, for launch as soon as the required approvals have been obtained.

For more information, visit


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CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN INDUSTRIES ("CBI") is a French company that develops, operates and invests in video games, commercial applications and selected projects related to blockchain, non-fungible tokens ("NFT") and cryptocurrencies. Founded by Frédéric Chesnais, a renowned gaming industry entrepreneur and blockchain pioneer, CBI aims to develop and unlock the value of a portfolio of blockchain activities in several industries (video games, finance, logistics, etc.) with the aim of capitalizing on this technology, either directly or through partnerships. CBI has already made several investments and is currently launching AlphaVerse, a virtual world based on blockchain technology or a metaverse. CBI shares are listed on compartment E2 (Public Offering) of the Paris Euronext Growth stock exchange. For more information, visit and .



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