AdvancedDx Biological Laboratories USA Inc. announces its new temperature-controlled warehouse in the USA

information fournie par Boursorama CP 20/02/2024 à 08:00

Newburyport (MA, USA) – AdvancedDx Biological Laboratories USA Inc., an affiliate of ABL Diagnostics (FR001400AHX6 – ABLD, the “Company”), a Euronext-listed company that develops molecular biology assays and software for microbiology laboratories is pleased to announce today the opening of its new temperature-controlled warehouse in the USA, to offer its clients and partners improved quality and speed of service.
Undertaken through the execution of a Logistics and Warehousing Agreement between AdvancedDx Biological Laboratories USA Inc. and VELA Diagnostics USA Inc., the new warehouse, located in New Jersey, comes with a high-level logistics service specialized in warehousing and transport of biomedical, general laboratory products and medical devices to research laboratories and hospitals which complies with Good Distribution Practices (GDP).