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EASSON HOLDING : on en saura plus ...

11 mai 2010 19:58

faut il se placer avant?je pense que ceux qui ont quelques milliers d euros, peuvent prendre le risque.
si le BP est bon, ca risque de reagir vite.

溢訊通訊有&#38480 ;公司
(incorporated in the Hong Kong)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual General Meeting of Easson Telecom Limited will be held at Room 1107, 11/F., New Victory House, 93-103 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong on 24th May 2010 at 10:00am for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, passing the following resolutions:
1. To receive and consider the audited financial statements and the reports of the directors and auditor for the year ended 31 December 2009;
2. To re-elect directors of the Company and to authorize the board of directors to fix the directors’ remuneration;
3. To re-appoint Gary Cheng & Co as the auditor of the Company and to authorize the board of directors to fix its remuneration; and
4. As special business, to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following resolutions as ordinary resolutions:
(A) “THAT:
(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c) of this resolution, the exercise by the board of directors of the Company (the “Directors”) during the Relevant Period (as defined below) of all the powers of the Company to allot, issue and otherwise deal with new shares of the Company (the “Shares”) and to allot, issue or grant securities convertible into Shares, or options or similar rights to subscribe for any Shares or such convertible securities, and to make or grant offers, agreements and options which would or might require the exercise of such powers be generally and unconditionally approved;
(b) the approval in paragraph (a) of this resolution shall not extend beyond the Page 1 of 5
Relevant Period but shall authorize the Directors during the Relevant Period to make or grant offers, agreements and options which would or might require the exercise of such power after the end of the Relevant Period;
(c) the aggregate nominal amount of share capital allotted or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted (whether pursuant to an option or otherwise) by the Directors pursuant to the approval in paragraph (a) of this resolution, otherwise than pursuant to Shares issued as a result of a Rights Issue (as defined below), the exercise of the subscription or conversion rights attaching to any warrants or any securities convertible into Shares or the exercise of the subscription rights under any option scheme or similar arrangement for the time being adopted for the grant or issue to persons such as officers and/or employees of the Company and/or any of its subsidiaries of Shares or rights to acquire Shares or any scrip dividend providing for the allotment of Shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on Shares in accordance with the Articles of Association of the Company, shall not exceed 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of passing this resolution and the said approval shall be limited accordingly; and
(d) for the purposes of this resolution,
“Relevant Period” means the period from the passing of this resolution until whichever is the earliest of:
the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company;
the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles of Association of the Company or any applicable law of the Hong Kong to be held; and
the revocation or variation of the authority given under this resolution by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders of the Company in general meeting; and
“Rights Issue” means the allotment, issue or grant of Shares pursuant to an offer of Shares open for a period fixed by the Directors to holders of Shares on the register of members of the Company on a fixed record date in proportion to their then holdings of such Shares (subject to such exclusions or other arrangements as the Directors may deem necessary or expedient in relation to fractional entitlements or having regard to
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any restrictions or obligations under the laws of, or the requirements of any recognised regulatory body in, any territory applicable to the Company).”
(B) “THAT:
(a) subject to paragraph (b) of this resolution, the exercise by the Directors during the Relevant Period (as defined below) of all the powers of the Company to purchase or repurchase on an organized market operated by Euronext Paris (“Euronext Paris”), Shares including any form of depositary shares representing the right to receive such Shares issued by the Company and that the exercise by the Directors of all powers of the Company to repurchase such securities, subject to and in accordance with all applicable laws and the requirements of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Euronext Paris or of any other stock exchange as amended from time to time, be and is hereby generally and unconditionally approved;
(b) the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares which may be purchased or repurchased by the Company pursuant to the approval in paragraph (a) of this resolution during the Relevant Period shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of this resolution, and the said approval shall be limited accordingly; and
(c) for the purpose of this resolution, “Relevant Period” means the period from the passing of this resolution until whichever is the earliest of:
(i) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company;
(ii) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles of Association of the Company or any applicable laws of the Hong Kong to be held; and
(iii) the revocation or variation of the authority given under this resolution by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders of the Company in general meeting.”
(C) “THAT subject to the passing of Ordinary Resolutions No. 4(A) and 4(B) set out in the notice convening this meeting, the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company which may be purchased or repurchased by the Company pursuant to the authority granted to the Directors by Ordinary Resolution No. 4(B) set out in the notice convening this meeting shall be added to the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company that may be allotted or issued or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted or issued by the Directors pursuant to Ordinary Resolution No. 4(A) set out in the notice convening this meeting, provided that such Page 3 of 5
shares shall not exceed 10% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue at the date of this resolution.”
The register of members of the Company will be closed from Wednesday, 27th August 2008 to Wednesday 3 September 2008, both days inclusive.
By Order of the Board
Sylvester Sit
Company Secretary
Hong Kong, DATED
20th May 2010
1. In order to be entitled to attend and vote at the meeting, all transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged for registration with the Company’s branch share registrar in Paris,France c/o B*Capital 21 Boulvard Haussmann, 75009 Paris, Tel: +33-1-4017 5902, Fax: +33-1-4017 5959 not later than 4:30 p.m. on Friday, 21st May 2010.
2. Only members are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
3. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend and, on a poll, vote instead of that member. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. To be valid, the form of proxy, together with the power of attorney or other authority (if any) under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority, must be lodged with the principal place of business of the Company at Room 1107, 11/F., New Victory House, 93-103 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting.
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4. At the meeting, the chairman of the meeting will exercise his power under Article 25 of the Articles of Association of the Company to put each of the above resolutions to the vote by way of a poll.
5. With respect to Ordinary Resolution No.4(A), the directors of the Company wish to state that they have no immediate plans to issue any new shares of the Company. Approval is being sought from the members under Ordinary Resolution No.4(A) as a general mandate for the purpose of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on Euronext Paris.
6. Annual Report is available online at the Company’s website.
7. With regard to item no.2 in this notice, all directors proposed be re-elected as Directors of the Company.
As at the date of this announcement, the Directors of the Company are:
Executive Directors:
Mr. Sylvester Silas SIT
Ms. WU Wai Ling Rita
Mr. HUI Tung Wai
Mr. MA Tai Sang
Mr. Chiu Wai Man (appointed on 31st March, 2009)

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  • 12 mai 2010 07:48

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