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Results of the sales facility of ORCO PROPERTY GROUP
information fournie par Boursorama 05/02/2016 à 17:37

Results of the sales facility of ORCO PROPERTY GROUP
Further to its press releases of 7, 12, 22 January and 1 February 2016, ORCO PROPERTY GROUP (the “Company” or “ORCO”) announces that all shares tendered in the Company’s sales facility, amounting to 2,557,702 shares (the “Tendered Shares”), were sold on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange on 4 February 2016.
The average price of the Tendered Shares sold for the account of the respective shareholders amounts to EUR 0.14 per one Tendered Share. The proceeds will be distributed between shareholders participating in the sales facility on or before 8 February 2016. The shareholders are advised to read Euronext Notice PAR_20160205_00912_EUR.
The Company reminds that the last trading date of the Company shares (ISIN LU0122624777) on Euronext Paris will be 17 February 2016. The Company shares will be delisted from Euronext Paris on 18 February 2016. As from this date, those shares that were not tendered in the sales facility will remain with Euroclear France, but the shareholders that wish to trade their Company shares on the regulated market of LuxSE, are advised to kindly contact their custodians, financial intermediaries, banks, brokers and/or account holders for further information, since the conditions and requirements for such trading will change. Notably, the Company shares in Euroclear France will not be transferred and settled automatically, but clients will have to request their financial intermediaries …

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Euronext Paris 0.00%

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