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Qwamplify - Results H1 2018
information fournie par Boursorama 12/06/2018 à 18:00

Qwamplify announces today its unaudited results for the first half of fiscal year 2018 (October 2017 - March 2018)
Strong increase in operating profitability in the first half of 2018 :
➢ Gross operating surplus (GOS): €1 416k (+52%)
➢ Operating profit (EBIT): €929k (+26%)
➢ Consolidated net income Group share: -€426k (-9%)
The Group remains confident about the increase in its results, given the strong growth of the Media division, the return to organic growth of the CRM Marketing division and the reduction in operating costs. The depreciation of the Mobile asset will also lead to a significant improvement in operating income over the next two years, despite the expenses related to the adaptation of the platform for the Activation division. The Group expects a return to a positive net result in the second half of the year.

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3.33 EUR Euronext Paris 0.00%

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