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BOIRON : Boiron and Lehning laboratories have filed two appeals against the decrees of August,30 2019 concerning the phasing out of reimbursement of homoeopathic drugs and remedies by 2021
information fournie par Actusnews 23/10/2019 à 16:15

Boiron and Lehning laboratories wish to announce that they have asked the Conseil d'Etat (France's highest administrative court) to quash the following orders:

  • Decree no. 2019-905 which temporarily reduces the amount covered by the health insurance fund for homoeopathic drugs and preparations from 30 to 15%
  • Decree no. 2019-904 which excludes homoeopathic preparations from being covered by the health insurance fund, starting on a date fixed by decree and no later than 1st January 2021.

These appeals focus on both the irregularities which have tainted the homoeopathy assessment procedure conducted by the French Health Authority transparency commission, and the ill-founded nature of these decrees.

An application for a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality (QPC) will also be presented in order to challenge the law, which delegated the decision concerning coverage of homoeopathic medicines to a single minister.

Filing these appeals triggers the start of a procedure which could last between 12 and 18 months. The laboratories will not comment on changes to the dossier before the Conseil d'Etat announces its decision.

Filing these appeals is also a statement of how confident these laboratories are as to the efficacy of homoeopathy and its validity and relevance to public health, as well as their desire to ensure access for all to this type of therapy.

Press contact: DGM – Thomas de Climens – - 0614501584

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