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MAUNA KEA TECHNOLOGIES - Publication d’une nouvelle étude validant l'efficacité incomparable du Cellvizio et la concordance inter-observateur pour la caractérisation des kystes pancréatiques
information fournie par Boursorama 27/03/2017 à 17:45

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Clinical study published in GI Endoscopy this month, performed by the Wexner Medical Center at Ohio State University, a National Pancreas Foundation Center of Excellence
Blinded trial shows 95% accuracy of Cellvizio for malignant pancreatic cysts and 98% for benign pancreatic cysts, both with near-perfect inter-observer agreement and intra-observer reliability

Paris, France and Cambridge, MA, USA, March 27, 2017 - Mauna Kea Technologies (Euronext: MKEA, OTCQX: MKEAY) inventor of Cellvizio®, the multidisciplinary confocal laser endomicroscopy platform, today announced the publication of a new study highlighting the strong performance of needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (nCLE) in the diagnosis of pancreatic cysts. The study outcomes1 were published online in the March 2017 edition of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, the official peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), and includes nCLE images and video referenced in the study.

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