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Vastned Belgium: Application of article 7:97 BCAC by the Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium
information fournie par GlobeNewswire 16/05/2024 à 07:01

The board of directors of Vastned Belgium NV (Euronext: VASTB, “Vastned Belgium” or the “Company”) has requested the committee of independent directors of the Company (the “Committee”) to issue an opinion in application of article 7:97 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code (the “BCAC”) on the conclusion of an agreement entitled “Merger Protocol” (the “Merger Protocol”) between the Company and Vastned Retail NV, a listed public limited liability company incorporated under Dutch law, having its corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and its principal place of business at Mercuriusplein 11, 2132 HA Hoofddorp, the Netherlands and registered in the trade register of the Dutch Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) under number 24262564 (“Vastned Retail” and together with the Company, the “Parties” and, together with their affiliated companies, the “Group”).

Full press release:

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